Crypto, DeFi, Reviews

Palisade | A Broad Overview of the Digital Asset Custody Landscape, including the Emerging Trends and Challenges

The digital asset custody landscape is largely split into two sectors: third-party custodians and wallet technology providers. This means that either you can trust a third party such as a regulated custodian to hold your money, or you can buy and run the technology provided by a wallet technology provider.

During the earlier days of the industry, there was much emphasis on self-custody, with individuals being responsible or managing their own private keys.

Palisade team thinks this was primarily because at the time a lot of crypto was held by individuals, rather than organizations. But as the industry matured, we saw the shift where more and more institutions and businesses entered the market that wanted to hold crypto. These new players in the industry wanted more than self-custody using a private key. They wanted enhanced security, governance, counterparty management, recovery in case of disaster scenarios and auditability.

The self custody model could not provide all of this – so a model where the custody was managed by a third party was needed.

The third party custodians that emerged focused on customer relationship management but provided basic peer-to-peer payment services at the blockchain level. Institutions and businesses were still getting to grips with blockchain technology, so on-chain features like staking and access to DeFi weren’t a priority. Slowly as the industry further matured, the custodians shifted from basic services to adding additional managed services like staking and on-chain trading, etc.

Today, businesses and institutions are seeking to build complex use-cases such as the issuance and management of real world assets on top of blockchain. We’re seeing regulation maturing in forward-thinking jurisdictions, enabling service providers to offer features that can cater to such use-cases. Custody is no longer about providing basic access to the blockchain. It’s about partnering with customers, providing guidance and unlocking frictionless access to web3.

But there are also some challenges. Digital asset custody is an extremely complex area that is sometimes beyond the technical acumen of traditional financial institutions, including those wanting to move into the crypto space. And while the EU’s MiCA laws provide a good framework, global crypto regulation is struggling to keep pace with the development of the sector. This can make it tricky for businesses located in certain jurisdictions to play by the rules.

Why the EU’s new MiCA laws boost its ambition to become a global hub in crypto;

MiCA provides the regulatory clarity that crypto businesses are looking for. It outlines licensing requirements, capital adequacy, and consumer protection measures, giving companies a roadmap for compliance. It also creates a single rulebook across all EU member states and once a business is licensed in one EU jurisdiction, it can offer services throughout the bloc. This streamlines operations compared to other jurisdictions.

However, it still has some gaps that need to be addressed. It lacks more granular guidelines for DeFi and NFTs. There is a lot of potential here for real-world asset (RWA) issuance, on-chain copyright and digital rights management (DRM), etc that will be possible to unlock once the regulatory clarity is there. Consumer protections also need to be strengthened. Stronger cybersecurity requirements and AML-CTF regime across the board will help address some of these issues.

From what the Palisade team knows so far, MiCA 2.0 aims to target most of this, providing clarity for financial and crypto businesses to innovate across Europe. Most of the innovation today is happening outside regulation, which, although due to lack of regulation, is not in the best interests of the parties involved.

If we want mass adoption, we need better clarity through a regime that fosters innovation while ensuring a fair playing field. Right now, from what we know at Palisade, Europe’s MiCA is a step in the right direction.

Their experience in the Web3 space and expert insights on the industry as well as its evolution; The founding story of Palisade and what its upcoming plans are.

For context: Tom and Manthan from Palisade met when working as Staff Software Engineers at Ripple, a leading provider of cross-border payment and digital asset custody solutions.

“We noticed an opportunity to create a new, but different platform in the crypto asset custody space. We saw some larger players offering a “one size fits all” approach, which isn’t always the easiest for traditional businesses to work with. It was clear there was an opportunity to create a new custody platform that not only offers simple, secure and scalable, solutions but also, more importantly, customizable ones. That is why we took the leap and left our day jobs to build Palisade.”, Tom and Manthan say.

“This is a major year of growth for us. We have spent the last two years building the platform and the business infrastructure to support it. 2024 is about working with our clients to develop next-generation, innovative solutions.

“We also have a major focus on the tokenization of real-world assets. There is an increasing number of businesses that want to tokenize unique assets on the blockchain. But there is a lack of understanding and ability to do so. We help our customers mint and manage digital tokens for various applications, such as carbon credits and gold.”


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Equasens: 2024 half-year results


Villers-lès-Nancy, 27 September 2024 - 6:00 p.m. (CET)


2024 half-year results

  • Group results impacted by weaker economic conditions and continuing investment efforts in H1:
    • Revenue: €108.0m, -4.1%
    • Current Operating Income: €20.9m, -24.1%
  • Net Profit attributable to the Group: €17.2m, -21.8%
  • Though with a profit margin that continues to be very positive:
    • Ratio of Current Operating Income (COI) to Sales: 19.3% on a reported basis and 20.0% like-for-like
H1 RESULTS (€M)2023
reported basis
reported basis
Change / Reported basisExternal growthChange / Like-for-like basis
Current operating income (COI)27.520.9-6.6-24.1%0.0-6.7-24.3%
Net Profit22.918.1-4.8-21.0%0.0-4.8-21.1%
Net Profit attributable to the Group22.017.2-4.8-21.8%   

The financial statements for the six-month period ended 30 June 2024 were reviewed and adopted by EQUASENS' Board of Directors, chaired by Thierry Chapusot, on 27 September 2024. These interim consolidated financial statements were subject to a limited review by the Statutory Auditors.


Results at 30 June 2024

H1 Current Operating Income / Division2023
reported basis
reported basis
Change / Reported basisExternal growthChange / Like-for-like basis
Axigate Link4.64.4-0.2-4.9% -0.2-4.9%
e-Connect3.62.5-1.1-29.9% -1.1-29.9%
Medical Solutions1.30.0-1.3-100.0%0.1-1.2-92.5%
Fintech-0.4-0.10.369.3% 0.3-69.3%
Current Operating Income27.520.9-6.6-24.1%0.0-6.7-24.3%
  • PHARMAGEST division: a contraction in earnings reflecting lower sales and reinforced teams in Europe (COI/Sales: 17.2%)

The decline in the Division's operating income is mainly attributable to a reduction in sales in France in the configuration and hardware segment. In a persistently challenging economic environment, the Division continued to focus its commercial strategy on acquiring new customers and regularly rolling out new software and hardware solutions.
Despite this, recurring revenues were bolstered by the combined contribution of new SaaS offerings and contract indexation.
To accelerate the deployment of solutions in Europe, the R&D and sales teams continued to be strengthened.

  • AXIGATE LINK division: the profit margin remains high (COI/Sales: 28.6%)

Strategic investments to support the roll-out of SaaS solutions such as TitanLink for Nursing Homes in Europe, and the extension of homecare services, have temporarily weighed on the Division's results.

  • E-CONNECT division: current operating income declined in response to lower sales (COI/Sales: 45.4%)

As previously reported, H1 2023 sales and earnings were boosted by the announced discontinuation of sales of Application Reader Terminals.
The downturn in business in the first half of 2024 thus reflected the corresponding decline in sales.
Despite this unfavourable environment, the Division demonstrated its ability to adapt by maintaining a healthy profit margin based on tight cost controls.

  • MEDICAL SOLUTIONS division: a year of transition between the Ségur digital healthcare investment programme and a new software solution (COI/Sales: -)

Preparations for the Division's future involving the development of a new software platform and optimising the sales organisation led to significant investments which, in conjunction with lower sales following the end of the Ségur programme roll-out, weighed on the Division's results. Recurring revenues rose 13.7%, resulting in a gross margin of 72.8%.

  • FINTECH division: efforts to stabilise the business paid off in H1, with an improvement in earnings of €0.3m (COI/Sales: -)

Consolidated balance sheet highlights

  • Cash flow after interest and tax maintained a positive trend at €20.8m.
  • Financial investments, through acquisitions as well as capital expenditures, in particular for the EQUASENS private healthcare cloud, continued, with more than €16.0m committed in H1.
  • The net financial surplus at 30/06/2024 of €87.9m takes into account a change in presentation of IFRS 16 lease liabilities and put options for minority shareholders of €10.8m (recognised under other liabilities versus financial liabilities previously).

2024 outlook

  • The Group maintains its forecast for a return to revenue growth starting in the second half of 2024, and an acceleration in 2025 driven by current investments and an economic climate that looks set to improve, particularly for pharmacies in France.
  • The Group will continue to invest in R&D, infrastructure and sales forces in France and Europe in the second half of 2024. And while this will have a temporary impact on profitability in 2024, it should generate a return on investment from 2025 onwards.
  • With a strategy focused on patients and interoperability, the Group is ideally positioned to seize opportunities for external growth in France and Europe.

Financial calendar:

  • 1 October 2024: Presentation of H1 2024 results
  • 7 November 2024: Publication of Q3 2024 revenue
  • 6 February 2025: Publication of f Q4/FY 2024 revenue

About Group Equasens

With more than 1,300 employees, Equasens Group is today a key player in the European healthcare sector, providing software and hardware solutions to all healthcare professionals (pharmacists, primary care practitioners, hospitals, hospital-at-home programmes, retirement homes, health centres) in both primary and secondary care sectors.

With operations in in France, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, and Luxembourg, Equasens Group today brings together healthcare professionals within a unique ecosystem in France and Europe benefiting people by making available the very best of technology.

Listed on Euronext Paris™ - Compartment B

Indexes: MSCI GLOBAL SMALL CAP - GAÏA Index 2020 - CAC® SMALL and CAC® All-Tradable
Included in the Euronext Tech Leaders segment and the European Rising Tech label

Eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (“Service à Réglement Différé” - SRD) and equity savings accounts invested in small and mid caps (PEA-PME).
ISIN: FR 0012882389 – Ticker Code: EQS

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Analyst and Investor Relations:
Chief Administrative and Financial Officer: Frédérique Schmidt
Tel: +33 (0)3 83 15 90 67 - [email protected]

Financial communication agency:
FIN’EXTENSO - Isabelle Aprile

Tel.: +33 (0)6 17 38 61 78 - [email protected]


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