Fintechs, Banks for You, Debit Cards, Kids

How to Activate My GoHenry Card | A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Activate My Gohenry Card

Once you’ve completed the registration process and received your GoHenry card in the mail the next step is to activate it. Activating your GoHenry card allows you to start using it for purchases and managing your finances. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to activate your GoHenry card and provide some tips to ensure a smooth and secure activation process.

Step 1 –  Gather Your Required Items

Before you begin make sure you have the following items:
a) Your GoHenry card.
b) Your login credentials (username and password) for your GoHenry account.
c) Access to the internet on either your computer or mobile device.

Step 2 – Access Your GoHenry Account

Visit the GoHenry website or open their dedicated mobile app on your device. Enter your username and password to securely access your account.

Step 3 – Locate Card Activation Option

Once you have successfully logged in navigate to either the “Cards” or “My Account” section within the app or website. Look for an option that says something, like “Activate Card” or “Get Started.”

Step 4 – Input your card details

You will be prompted to provide the information, from your GoHenry card to activate it. This includes entering the 16 digit card number, expiration date and the three digit CVV security code located on the back of the card.

Step 5 – Verify your identity

To ensure security GoHenry may require steps to verify your identity. This could involve providing the phone number associated with your account or answering some security questions.

Step 6 – Choose a PIN

Once you have successfully activated your card you will need to select a Personal Identification Number (PIN) for your GoHenry card. Make sure to choose a PIN that’s easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

Step 7 – Familiarize yourself with the features of your card

Take a moment to understand and explore the features and spending controls available through the GoHenry app. If you are a parent make sure you fully comprehend how parental controls work. If you are a child using this card be aware of any spending limits that have been set.

Step 8 – Ensure funds in your GoHenry account

Before making any purchases with your GoHenry card make sure there are funds available, in your GoHenry account.
Parents have the choice to add funds to their childrens accounts using methods, such, as bank transfers or card payments.

Step 9 – Start Using Your GoHenry Card

Congratulations! Your GoHenry card is now active and ready for use. You can begin using it for purchases both in stores and online following the spending limits set by parents. Through the GoHenry app parents can easily keep track of their childrens transactions.

Tips for a Smooth Activation Process

1. Verify your card details: Ensure that you correctly enter the card number, expiration date and CVV code during activation.

2. Choose a PIN: Select a PIN that’s not easily guessable by others to ensure the security of your card.

3. Contact GoHenry Support if needed: If you encounter any issues while activating your card do not hesitate to reach out to Gohenrys customer support for assistance.

4. Keep your GoHenry app up to date: Make sure you have the version of the GoHenry app installed on your device to access all features seamlessly.


Activating your GoHenry card is a process that provides opportunities, for both parents and children in terms of learning and management. By following these guidelines and keeping these suggestions in mind you’ll be well, on your way to making the most out of your GoHenry card and experiencing the numerous benefits of financial empowerment. Best wishes for success, in managing your finances!


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