Fintechs, Jobs, Payments, Technology

Financial Inclusion: Job Prospects in Developing Fintech Solutions for Underserved Communities

The main purpose of fintech is to democratize finance, making it accessible to those who have traditionally been excluded from the financial system. By leveraging technology, fintech aims to break down barriers and provide financial services to everyone, regardless of their economic status or geographic location.

This includes offering microloans to small businesses in developing countries, facilitating low-cost international remittances, and providing mobile banking solutions to people without access to traditional banks. Ultimately, fintech strives to create a more inclusive financial landscape where everyone has the opportunity to participate and benefit from financial services, thus promoting economic growth and financial stability for underserved populations.

But we are far from creating such a financially democratized world, which is why we need more talented individuals to take up leading roles at fintech, especially those which are serving the underserved population so that the fintech revolution can finally realize its actual goal of democratizing finance for everyone.

Here’s an overview of the job prospects and the impact of fintech on financial inclusion.

Microfinance and Peer-to-Peer Lending:

KivaKiva is a non-profit organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to low-income entrepreneurs and students in over 80 countries. Their platform connects borrowers directly with lenders, making it easier for those with limited credit histories to access small loans. This generates numerous fintech jobs in platform development and management.

The career page of Kiva is the best place to find available fintech jobs at this NPO. They also offer fellowship and internship programs that are a good option for those who are just starting out in their careers.

Zidisha – Another P2P lending platform, Zidisha enables direct lending between individuals across the world, bypassing traditional banks to reduce costs and increase efficiency, creating fintech jobs in operations and customer service.

While there is not much info about open job roles, they are hiring interns for country liaison support, social media lead and communication roles.

Digital Payments and Remittances:

M-Pesa – In Kenya, M-Pesa has revolutionized mobile money. It allows users to transfer money, pay bills, and access other financial services via their mobile phones. This has greatly increased financial access in a region where traditional banking services are limited, leading to fintech jobs in mobile technology and customer support.

M-Pesa have an open policy for fintech job roles and interns. You can send your CV anytime to their portal.

Ripple – Utilizing blockchain technology, Ripple provides fast, low-cost international payment services. This has significantly impacted cross-border remittances, especially for families in developing countries, offering fintech jobs in blockchain development and regulatory compliance.

Ripple have a lot of open job roles at the moment. You can visit their careers page or head over to their LinkedIn page, to find the job role that suits you best.

Mobile Banking and Digital Wallets:

Alipay and WeChat Pay – In China, these mobile payment platforms have transformed the way people conduct financial transactions. They enable users to make payments, transfer money, and access other financial services through their smartphones, creating fintech jobs in mobile app development and data analysis.

Alibaba Group is a big business group with a lot of subsidiaries. You can access their careers page from here and kickstart your fintech career right away.

WeChat is owned by TenCent and their careers page is full of open job opportunities that can get you started on your fintech job journey.

Paytm – In India, Paytm offers a wide range of financial services, including mobile banking, payments, and even microloans, making financial services more accessible to a broader population and generating fintech jobs in product management and software development.

Paytm not only has job offers but if you are in India then you have the option of walk-in interviews at Paytm as well. Paytm have multiple fintech job roles with lucrative salary structures, multiple career paths and hybrid work options.

Financial Education and Literacy:

ZestMoney – This Indian fintech company provides consumer loans to people with little or no credit history. It also offers financial education resources to help users make informed decisions about borrowing and spending, creating fintech jobs in financial advisory and educational content creation.

MyBnk – A UK-based charity, MyBnk delivers financial education and enterprise programs to young people, helping them understand money management and financial products, leading to fintech jobs in program coordination and training.

MyBnk has a very detailed careers page where you can look for a suitable fintech job role.

Digital Identification Systems:

Aadhaar – India’s biometric ID system, Aadhaar, provides a unique identity to residents, enabling them to access a variety of financial services. This has been instrumental in opening bank accounts and receiving government subsidies, creating fintech jobs in biometric technology and IT support.

uPort – uPort offers blockchain-based identity solutions, allowing users to create and manage their own identities, enhancing access to financial services for those without traditional identification, generating fintech jobs in blockchain development and identity verification.

Challenges and Opportunities

While fintech holds immense potential for financial inclusion, several challenges need addressing:

  • Infrastructure and Connectivity: Limited access to reliable internet connectivity in remote or underdeveloped areas remains a barrier, affecting the scope of fintech jobs in these regions.
  • Regulation and Consumer Protection: Establishing robust regulatory frameworks is crucial for building trust and mitigating risks, which requires skilled professionals in regulatory fintech jobs.
  • Privacy and Security: Ensuring the security of financial data is essential for maintaining consumer trust, leading to a demand for fintech jobs in cybersecurity (World Finance Council).


Fintech is poised to revolutionize financial inclusion, bringing vital services to unbanked and underbanked populations worldwide. By addressing infrastructure challenges, enhancing regulatory frameworks, and ensuring data privacy and security, the fintech industry can create a more inclusive financial ecosystem. The job prospects in this field are diverse and promising, offering numerous fintech jobs that can significantly impact global financial inclusion.


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Axonaut déploie son Compte Pro pour les TPE


Innovateur sur le marché, le Compte Pro Axonaut s’imbrique dans une plateforme équipée pour la gestion complète d’une petite entreprise. 

 Cette semaine, Axonaut, acteur majeur de la transformation numérique des petites entreprises, annonce le lancement de son Compte Pro et des cartes de paiement totalement gratuits pour ses 140 000 utilisateurs. Inclus dans l'abonnement au logiciel Axonaut, ce compte professionnel s'intègre parfaitement avec l'ensemble des outils de gestion déjà proposés par la plateforme, rendant l'offre unique sur le marché. Ce lancement marque une étape clé dans l'engagement d'Axonaut à centraliser et à simplifier la gestion d'entreprise pour les petites structures. 

Jusqu'à présent, Axonaut permettait aux petites entreprises de gérer efficacement leur facturation, CRM, trésorerie, gestion de projet et pré-comptabilité via une seule interface à partir de 41€99 par mois. Désormais, grâce à un partenariat stratégique avec la FinTech française Swan, Axonaut enrichit son offre en y ajoutant un compte professionnel qui connecte de manière fluide les outils de gestion aux comptes bancaires. Cette synchronisation innovatrice permet à Axonaut de proposer des raccourcis utiles comme la réconciliation automatique sans agrégateurs tierce et la capacité de programmer le paiement à échéance des dépenses et des salaires pour préserver sa trésorerie. 

L’ouverture d’un Compte Pro Axonaut donne accès à un IBAN français, des cartes MasterCard, et assure des fonds sécurisés par la Banque de France. Les titulaires peuvent ainsi recevoir des paiements, effectuer des virements, et gérer les dépenses des employés en fixant des plafonds personnalisés pour chaque carte. Contrairement aux offres bancaires traditionnelles, Axonaut ne facture aucun frais pour l’ouverture du compte, la création des cartes, la tenue de compte, ni les virements SEPA, rendant cette solution d’autant plus avantageuse pour les petites entreprises. 

D’après une étude réalisée auprès de ses utilisateurs, Axonaut a découvert que les frais bancaires annuels des dirigeants représentent près de 700 € pour les banques traditionnelles contre 300 € pour les banques en ligne. Partant de ce constat, l’entreprise toulousaine a décidé de rendre son compte pro le moins cher possible. 

« Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer le lancement du Compte Pro Axonaut », déclare Quentin LEYMARIE, CMO chez Axonaut. « Nous croyons fermement que chaque petite entreprise mérite un accès facile et abordable à des outils financiers de haute qualité, et notre Compte Pro est conçu pour répondre à ce besoin. Avec des fonctionnalités avancées et une simplicité d'utilisation, nous sommes convaincus que le Compte Pro Axonaut deviendra rapidement un élément essentiel de la gestion financière de nos utilisateurs ». 

Depuis sa création en 2017, Axonaut poursuit sa mission de faciliter le quotidien des petites entreprises françaises. Le lancement du Compte Pro s’inscrit dans cette continuité, renforçant la centralisation des opérations commerciales et comptables. Avec déjà 10 000 entreprises clientes qui émettent 2 millions de factures chaque année depuis la plateforme, Axonaut s’affirme comme un pilier incontournable de la digitalisation des TPE en France. 

Retrouvez plus d'informations sur le Compte Pro Axonaut et les Cartes de Paiement gratuits à :

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