
Aleph Zero Launches NEON Program, Enlists Major Global Partners Including Pairpoint, Backed by Vodafone and Sumitomo

Zug, Switzerland, September 10th, 2024, Chainwire

The Next-Gen Enterprise and Opportunity Navigator (NEON) program will support global enterprises on their journey into web3, fostering innovation and widespread adoption of blockchain technology.

The Aleph Zero Foundation, a pioneer in privacy-enhancing blockchain infrastructure, announces the launch of its NEON Program, a comprehensive initiative designed to support enterprises from various sectors in harnessing the power of blockchain technology. The program will deliver dedicated resources, expert guidance, and ease of access to innovative technology to facilitate deeper integration of privacy-enhancing blockchain technology across various business use-cases.

The NEON Program goes beyond traditional enterprise support by offering a comprehensive suite of resources tailored to each member’s unique needs and ambitions in the web3 space. At its core, the program provides a team of dedicated business and technical experts who work closely with members to navigate the complexities of web3 integration. 

The program caters to a wide range of companies, from those taking their first steps into web3 to seasoned players. This hands-on approach is complemented by a wealth of educational resources, in-depth workshops, and tailored support designed to keep members at the forefront of market and tech developments. By fostering connections with industry experts and exploring potential new revenue streams through ecosystem participation, the NEON Program empowers enterprises to not just adapt to the evolving digital landscape, but to actively shape it.

“Blockchain technology is rapidly expanding into diverse industries, powering an ever-growing array of use cases,” said Antoni Zolciak, Co-founder of Aleph Zero. “As this landscape evolves, businesses need expert guidance to navigate and harness this technology effectively. We’re incredibly proud to launch the NEON Program, offering tailored support that empowers enterprises at all stages of blockchain adoption. Our goal is to foster innovation, drive adoption, and help businesses unlock the full potential of web3 in their operations.”

Strategic Partnerships Across Industries

Aleph Zero has already secured partnerships with global leaders in the telecommunications sector, including Deutsche Telekom and stc Bahrain, demonstrating the blockchain’s capability to meet the rigorous demands of large-scale operations. The program is expanding to include companies and organizations from various industries:

  • Pairpoint (A Vodafone and Sumitomo Company): Born from two leading multinationals, Vodafone and Sumitomo, Pairpoint enables devices to act as autonomous ‘economic agents’, allowing them to transact directly between them to create better user experiences. For example, electric cars can pay for their energy, delivery trucks can sell spare capacity, or smart meters can sell their solar production to their neighbors.
  • CAMARA Foundation (Linux Foundation): Launched in 2021 under the Linux Foundation and GSMA, the CAMARA Project aims to standardize APIs for telecommunications networks. Aleph Zero joined as the first blockchain General Member to develop and contribute to blockchain-specific initiatives. A key focus of this collaboration is the Blockchain Public Address API, which could revolutionize how users interact with blockchain technologies on mobile devices.

“At Pairpoint, we’re exploring privacy-focused technologies in the evolving ‘Economy of Things,’ where devices are becoming smarter and more autonomous,” said Siva Balasuriyar, CFO and Web3 Lead at Pairpoint. “Joining the NEON program provides Pairpoint with the resources and partnerships we need to strengthen our own knowledge, whilst collaborating with Aleph Zero and others in navigating this groundbreaking landscape. Supported by this partnership, Pairpoint will deploy and operate validator nodes to enhance the resilience and security of the blockchain infrastructure.”

Introducing the Next-Gen Enterprise & Opportunity Navigator Program

The launch of the Next-Gen Enterprise & Opportunity Navigator (NEON) Program marks a new phase in Aleph Zero’s engagement with enterprises. NEON is designed to help members effectively navigate the ecosystem, providing crucial support and fostering collaboration. With Aleph Zero’s unique technology stack that features advanced zero-knowledge privacy capabilities, the program is particularly appealing for applications requiring stringent data privacy.

Membership Benefits of the NEON Program:

  • Dedicated Account Manager: Each member is assigned a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for personalized business and technical support.
  • Regular Insights: Members gain access to the latest ecosystem insights through regular updates from the NEON Program.
  • Exclusive Networking Opportunities: Members can participate in exclusive networking opportunities at key web3 conferences, events, hackathons, and ecosystem dinners.
  • Exploratory Workshops: Members have the opportunity to engage in workshops designed to explore opportunities within Web3 and the Aleph Zero platform.
  • Custom AZERO Addresses: Each member receives a unique “yourcompany.azero” enterprise blockchain address.
  • Access to Focus Groups: Members can join specialized focus groups on “Data & Tooling,” “Loyalty, Art & Collectibles,” and “Web3 Education,” each tailored to provide in-depth exploration of specific areas of interest.

For more information on how to join the Aleph Zero NEON Program and benefit from its offerings, please visit the official website.

About Aleph Zero

Aleph Zero is a privacy-first ecosystem of blockchain solutions that are engineered for speed, data confidentiality, and ease of development. It achieves efficiencies akin to conventional web2 systems, upholds rigorous standards for data protection via zero-knowledge, and offers a comprehensive toolset for development across web3 that ranges from WASM-based Rust to EVM-based Solidity environments. Aleph Zero’s versatility is highlighted by over 40 use cases being actively developed, showcasing its adaptability across various sectors and applications. These use cases are part of an engaged community and growing ecosystem of web3 applications that are supported by Aleph Zero ecosystem development programs.

For more information, readers can visit 

About Pairpoint

Pairpoint is creating the world’s largest Economy of Things (EoT) Ecosystem by providing a secure digital platform that allows vehicles, devices, and machines to autonomously and seamlessly interact and trade with each other.

Headquartered in the UK with offices in London and Lisbon, Pairpoint is backed by a €60M investment from Vodafone Group and Sumitomo Group. For more information on Pairpoint, readers can visit

For any enquiries about this release, readers can please contact 


PR Manager
Josh Adams
Aleph Zero


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Axonaut déploie son Compte Pro pour les TPE


Innovateur sur le marché, le Compte Pro Axonaut s’imbrique dans une plateforme équipée pour la gestion complète d’une petite entreprise. 

 Cette semaine, Axonaut, acteur majeur de la transformation numérique des petites entreprises, annonce le lancement de son Compte Pro et des cartes de paiement totalement gratuits pour ses 140 000 utilisateurs. Inclus dans l'abonnement au logiciel Axonaut, ce compte professionnel s'intègre parfaitement avec l'ensemble des outils de gestion déjà proposés par la plateforme, rendant l'offre unique sur le marché. Ce lancement marque une étape clé dans l'engagement d'Axonaut à centraliser et à simplifier la gestion d'entreprise pour les petites structures. 

Jusqu'à présent, Axonaut permettait aux petites entreprises de gérer efficacement leur facturation, CRM, trésorerie, gestion de projet et pré-comptabilité via une seule interface à partir de 41€99 par mois. Désormais, grâce à un partenariat stratégique avec la FinTech française Swan, Axonaut enrichit son offre en y ajoutant un compte professionnel qui connecte de manière fluide les outils de gestion aux comptes bancaires. Cette synchronisation innovatrice permet à Axonaut de proposer des raccourcis utiles comme la réconciliation automatique sans agrégateurs tierce et la capacité de programmer le paiement à échéance des dépenses et des salaires pour préserver sa trésorerie. 

L’ouverture d’un Compte Pro Axonaut donne accès à un IBAN français, des cartes MasterCard, et assure des fonds sécurisés par la Banque de France. Les titulaires peuvent ainsi recevoir des paiements, effectuer des virements, et gérer les dépenses des employés en fixant des plafonds personnalisés pour chaque carte. Contrairement aux offres bancaires traditionnelles, Axonaut ne facture aucun frais pour l’ouverture du compte, la création des cartes, la tenue de compte, ni les virements SEPA, rendant cette solution d’autant plus avantageuse pour les petites entreprises. 

D’après une étude réalisée auprès de ses utilisateurs, Axonaut a découvert que les frais bancaires annuels des dirigeants représentent près de 700 € pour les banques traditionnelles contre 300 € pour les banques en ligne. Partant de ce constat, l’entreprise toulousaine a décidé de rendre son compte pro le moins cher possible. 

« Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer le lancement du Compte Pro Axonaut », déclare Quentin LEYMARIE, CMO chez Axonaut. « Nous croyons fermement que chaque petite entreprise mérite un accès facile et abordable à des outils financiers de haute qualité, et notre Compte Pro est conçu pour répondre à ce besoin. Avec des fonctionnalités avancées et une simplicité d'utilisation, nous sommes convaincus que le Compte Pro Axonaut deviendra rapidement un élément essentiel de la gestion financière de nos utilisateurs ». 

Depuis sa création en 2017, Axonaut poursuit sa mission de faciliter le quotidien des petites entreprises françaises. Le lancement du Compte Pro s’inscrit dans cette continuité, renforçant la centralisation des opérations commerciales et comptables. Avec déjà 10 000 entreprises clientes qui émettent 2 millions de factures chaque année depuis la plateforme, Axonaut s’affirme comme un pilier incontournable de la digitalisation des TPE en France. 

Retrouvez plus d'informations sur le Compte Pro Axonaut et les Cartes de Paiement gratuits à :

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