
Money20/20 Europe Unveils Six Incredible Fintech Startups And Industry Disruptors 

AMSTERDAM, NL – June 6, 2024 – Money20/20, the world’s leading fintech show and the place where money does business, has unveiled six startups that are poised to transform the world of money. The selected startups are FlexvelopBrite PaymentsKore LabsNomyxVelexa, and NALA. The emerging startups were unveiled during Money20/20 Europe’s Startup Media Session on June 5th at the RAI in Amsterdam.

Money20/20 Europe brings together the most influential figures in the fintech and financial services landscape, unlocking growth opportunities for these startups to transform into industry heavy hitters.

“Startups have always been at the heart of Money20/20. It has been a real pleasure seeing the early-stage startups begin on our stages before maturing into some of the biggest players in the industry. As the world of money comes together for Money20/20 Europe, we are delighted to showcase startups that we believe will change the future of money, covering the entire gamut of the ecosystem from regulations to infrastructure. It’s a core mission for Money20/20 to identify, support, and elevate startups and we couldn’t be more proud to provide a platform for these handpicked businesses as they continue their growth journey,” said Scarlett Sieber, Chief Strategy and Growth Officer at Money20/20.

The six startups are:

Flexvelop is a German flexible financing solution for business equipment, enabling companies to lease technology and purchase it at a reduced price. Thanks to this flexible leasing, rental, and credit model, businesses can trial different equipment to see what best suits their needs, better react to market shifts, and find more cost-effective solutions tailored to them.

“For Flexvelop, this is the perfect exclusive opportunity to announce our upcoming move towards internationalization across Europe and to promote “Flexing” as a pioneering financing solution beyond the German borders. We are very grateful to the Money20/20 team for this valuable opportunity,“ said Dr. Hans-Christian Stockfisch

Brite Payments is a Swedish instant payments startup offering smarter, faster, and more financially sustainable ways for payments and payouts thanks to open banking.  Their technology allows funds to be transferred immediately and seamlessly with bank-grade security, minimizing risk for merchants and creating a hassle-free payment experience for consumers.

It is truly an honor to be chosen by Money20/20 Europe, which has established itself at the center of the European fintech ecosystem, to share our vision for payments and highlight the enormous potential of our out-of-the-box instant payments solution. The regulatory and macroeconomic environment in 2024 is a major catalyst for the growth of Pay by Bank payments. Boosted by fresh funding in 2023, we have now made that crucial step from start-up to scale-up, placing us at the forefront of the movement,” said Lena Hackelöer, Founder & CEO, Brite Payments.

Kore Labs is a UK-based, award-winning RegTech startup digitizing financial product management to reduce regulatory risks, costs, and time to market for financial products.  Kore serves a wide range of financial institutions, including major European banks, investment managers, and insurance companies.

“Kore Labs is excited to be named by Money 20/20 as one of Europe’s most promising startups. Our flagship product, KorePRM, continues to be a category-defining product management and governance platform for the financial services industry, already adopted by leading global firms. Kore Labs is disrupting the industry from within, by pioneering a new family of technologies specifically designed to make financial product management more transparent, efficient, and equitable. Kore Labs brings clarity, peace of mind and the power to make fully informed decisions for professionals in this industry – for the ultimate benefit of consumers,” said Sabrina Del Prete, founder and CEO of Kore Labs.

Nomyx is an American Web3 and AI tokenization startup enabling companies to transform traditional assets into digital tokens in a seamless, secure, and transparent manner. Businesses can tokenize a wide range of assets with Nomyx, such as traditional financial assets, real estate properties, art pieces, company shares, intellectual property rights, and collectibles. Nomyx unlocks liquidity for businesses and provides them with increased flexibility with portfolio management.

“We look forward to engaging with the global fintech community and showcasing the innovative solutions NOMYX brings to the table. This platform offers an unparalleled opportunity to share our vision for NOMYX and demonstrate how we are revolutionizing the management of digital assets,” said Ubair Javaid, CEO of Nomyx.

Velexa is a London-based white-label API-based investing platform offering global market access across all major asset classes and currencies. Velexa is the only multi-asset platform that offers a cutting-edge B2B2C WealthTech technology that empowers banks, brokers, wealth managers, and other institutions to embed investing services in their portfolios, delivering a unified personal finance experience for their end users, ultimately making finance less intimidating. In this way, Velexa aims to revolutionize financial literacy and wealth management across Europe.

“Thank you Money20/20 for selecting us alongside these five stellar startups and for supporting us in making our vision a reality. Wealthtech has the power and therefore the responsibility to enhance financial literacy and accessibility. We’re not just helping Europeans manage their finances; we’re empowering them to embark on a transformative wealth journey. Our partnerships with established banks and neobanks allow us to combine innovation with trust, creating a powerful force for financial initiation, ” said Tamara Kostova founder and CEO of Velexa.

NALA is an international money transfer app enabling individuals ( and businesses ( in the EU, US, and the UK to send money to 11 countries in Africa. Payments to Africa are significantly more expensive than payments to any other continent; NALA was built to reduce those fees through fast, reliable, and affordable cross-border payments. NALA has grown 29x in the past 20 months. Earlier this year, NALA turned profitable and achieved 10X revenue growth in the past 12 months. Their team grew from 7 to nearly 100 in this same time period.

“It’s a great opportunity to share the incredible growth story of Africa, the fastest-growing payment region in the world. Africa’s population is set to grow from 1.2 billion to 2.5 billion, and with 1 in 6 people on the planet projected to be African by 2050, this makes the continent the world’s largest global workforce. Yet, the payments infrastructure in Africa is only 1% built and the opportunity to build the technological infrastructure for Africa’s economic revolution remains largely untapped. This limits global companies like Uber, Netflix and Amazon from operating in the region. At NALA, we’ve made it our mission to build payments for the Next Billion and we’re excited to supercharge this journey with Money20/20.” said Benjamin Fernandes, Founder and CEO of NALA.

Money20/20’s Startup Media Session was designed as part of its goal to support startups sitting at the intersection of finance and technology. Last year’s winners included Net Purpose, Clima Cash, Eljun, GoKind, KYP, Zing, and Conduit, among others. To learn more about this year’s featured startups, please visit:

About Money20/20

Launched by industry insiders in 2012, Money20/20 has rapidly become the heartbeat of the global fintech ecosystem. Over the last decade, the most innovative, fast-moving ideas and companies have driven their growth on our platform. Mastercard, Wise, J.P. Morgan, SHIELD, Convera, Stripe, Google, VISA, Adyen, and more make transformational deals and raise their global profile with us. Money20/20 attracts leaders from the world’s greatest banks, payments companies, VC firms, regulators and media platforms: convening to cut industry-shaping deals, build world-changing partnerships and unlock future-defining opportunities in Amsterdam (4-6 June 2024), Las Vegas (27-30 October 2024) and in Bangkok (22-24 April 2025).

Money20/20 also recently launched Twentyfold, a Digital Intelligence product containing the deepest and widest repository of fintech startup data in the world. Money20/20 is where the world’s fintech leaders convene to grow their businesses. Money20/20 is part of Ascential plc. Follow Money20/20 on X and LinkedIn for show developments and updates. We’re Where Money Does Business.

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Tina Loncaric
Global Head of PR
[email protected]
M: +1 469 288 5556


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Bitget annuncia le vincitrici del Blockchain4Her Awards durante lo SheFi Summit



VICTORIA, Seychelles, Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bitget, società Web3 e uno dei principali exchange di criptovalute, ha organizzato la prima edizione dei Blockchain4Her Awards allo SheFi Summit di Singapore il 17 settembre 2024, annunciando quattro vincitrici in due categorie. L'evento ha coinvolto oltre 1.000 partecipanti da tutto il mondo, con oltre 100 candidature ricevute.

Blockchain4Her Awards è un'iniziativa che celebra e promuove le donne nel settore blockchain. Lanciato nell’ambito del programma Blockchain4Her di Bitget, il programma mira a colmare il divario di genere nello spazio blockchain, in cui le startup guidate dalle donne ricevono solo una piccola parte dei finanziamenti totali. I premi presentano due categorie principali: il premio “Rising Female in Blockchain” (Donna emergente nel settore blockchain) e il premio “Innovative Web3 Female Entrepreneur” (Imprenditrice Innovativa del Web3).

La CEO di Bitget Gracy Chen ha ribadito l'impegno nel sostenere le donne nella blockchain durante il suo discorso. Investendo $10 milioni nell'iniziativa Blockchain4Her, Bitget sta compiendo dei passi in avanti sul tema di empowerment femminile. Fornendo “esempi da seguire, mentorship, networking e un supporto mirato, garantiremo che un maggior numero di donne possa assumere ruoli di leadership nello spazio della blockchain”, ha dichiarato Chen.

Le tre vincitrici della categoria “Rising Female in Blockchain” sono Alexandra Nicorici, Gesa Schneider e Rebecca Matsumura.

Alexandra Nicorici è la fondatrice e conduttrice di OOO, un popolare podcast incentrato sul Web3 che mette in contatto i professionisti del marketing con i maggiori fondatori di community e prodotti innovativi nel settore. Grazie alla sua influenza, Alexandra ha aiutato diverse startups a crescere e creare partnerships di valore nel corso degli anni.

Gesa Schneider è una nota ricercatrice Devcon presso la Ethereum Foundation e un'attiva sostenitrice di The Female Factor, una delle più grandi community al mondo di leadership al femminile. “Essere riconosciuta come una donna emergente nella blockchain è un grande onore”, ha dichiarato Gesa. “È un riconoscimento del mio lavoro come pioniera delle innovazioni Web3 per creare un futuro sostenibile.”

La terza vincitrice è Rebecca Matsumura, avvocata socia di Fenwick & West. Per quasi un decennio, Rebecca ha offerto assistenza legale alle aziende blockchain e fintech, aiutandole a gestire la compliance nel complesso panorama normativo.

Il premio “Innovative Web3 Female Entrepreneur” invece, è andato a Maika Isogawa, cofondatrice e CEO di Webacy, una delle suite di sicurezza per blockchain in più rapida crescita. Maika è stata anche inserita tra i 30 under 30 di Forbes.

La campagna Blockchain4Her ha fornito borse di studio per programmi educativi quali il corso blockchain di SheFi della durata di 8 settimane, opportunità di mentorship e partecipazione a importanti eventi del settore. L'obiettivo generale è quello di costruire un ecosistema equilibrato, in cui le donne possano svolgere un ruolo importante nel guidare i progressi tecnologici e come leader nel settore blockchain. Nell'ambito della campagna, Bitget sta anche creando un gruppo di alunni, dove le donne imprenditrici e leader possono scambiare idee e fare rete per sviluppare le loro carriere.

Dopo il successo della campagna SheFi, Bitget ospiterà vari eventi Blockchain4Her in diversi territori.

A proposito di Bitget

Fondata nel 2018, Bitget è una società Web3 tra i principali exchange di criptovalute al mondo. Con oltre 45 milioni di utenti in più di 150 Paesi e aree geografiche, l’obiettivo dell’exchange Bitget è di aiutare gli utenti a fare trading in modo più smart, attraverso le sue pionieristiche funzioni di Copy Trading, bot IA e altre soluzioni di trading. Bitget Wallet è un portafoglio crypto multi-chain di alto livello che offre soluzioni e funzioni Web3 complete, tra cui un portafoglio, uno swap, un marketplace NFT, un browser dApp e molto altro. Bitget ispira gli individui a adottare le criptovalute attraverso collaborazioni con partner affidabili, tra cui LALIGA, uno dei campionati di calcio più celebri al mondo e di cui è sponsor crypto principale nel Sud-est asiatico, nell'Europa orientale e nell'America Latina. Le partnership includono anche gli atleti della Nazionale turca Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (campionessa mondiale di lotta), Samet Gümüş (medaglia d’oro nella boxe) e İlkin Aydın (nazionale di pallavolo).

Avviso di rischio: i prezzi degli asset digitali possono fluttuare e sono soggetti a una certa volatilità. Investi solo ciò che puoi permetterti di perdere. Il valore del tuo investimento potrebbe essere compromesso e potresti non riuscire a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi finanziari o a recuperare il tuo investimento iniziale. Ti consigliamo di rivolgerti sempre a un consulente finanziario indipendente e di prendere in considerazione la tua esperienza e la tua situazione finanziaria. I risultati passati non sono una misura affidabile dei risultati futuri. Bitget non è responsabile di eventuali perdite subite dall’utente. Nulla di quanto riportato in questo testo deve essere interpretato come consulenza finanziaria.

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