
Fintech y Blockchain | ¿Cómo se relacionan ambos? ¿Son enemigos o amigos?

Fintech y Blockchain

Fintech, como la conocemos, significa tecnología financiera. Simplemente se refiere al uso de tecnologías innovadoras para mejorar los servicios financieros. En cierto sentido, la tecnología siempre ha ayudado al crecimiento de la industria financiera. Desde el primer ábaco hasta los medios modernos de tecnología, las finanzas y la tecnología han ido de la mano.

El término fintech hoy en día se asocia con cada nueva tecnología, incluida la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje automático y la cadena de bloques en el entorno financiero. De todas las tecnologías actuales que están impulsando la revolución fintech, blockchain es una de las más importantes.

El futuro de las fintech es blockchain. En el momento en que blockchain está comenzando a ganar fuerza, aún no se ha convertido en la forma de tecnología convencional. Por esta razón, muchas personas aún no comprenden completamente qué es blockchain.

¿Qué es Blockchain?

Antes de hablar de blockchain, comprendamos el sistema convencional de almacenamiento y procesamiento de información en un sistema de pago clásico.

Supongamos que va a una tienda y paga con su tarjeta de crédito. Cuando entregas tu tarjeta de crédito al cajero, el cajero utiliza el terminal del punto de venta para realizar el pago.

Una vez que el banco verifica las credenciales, a través de Internet, se completa el pago. El proceso de esta verificación incluye enviar la información al banco, donde el banco verifica las credenciales y luego transmite la información a la terminal pos.

Todo este proceso depende de que el banco lleve a cabo el procesamiento y la verificación de la transacción. Esta es la parte frontal de todo este sistema de verificación y procesamiento de transacciones. En el back-end, los datos se almacenan en los servidores del banco. Estos servidores están protegidos con los últimos protocolos de seguridad posibles para garantizar la seguridad de los datos.

Más o menos se lleva a cabo el mismo proceso cuando presenta un cheque para su compensación, sin embargo, la principal diferencia con los cheques es que el cheque tarda más en compensarse. Por lo general, toma de 24 a 48 horas y si el monto del cheque es inusualmente grande, el banco puede agregar más pasos de verificación.

Hay algunas lagunas en el flujo del proceso mencionado anteriormente. Estas lagunas permiten a los estafadores y piratas informáticos piratear los sistemas y llevar a cabo el robo de datos e identidad. Si pierde su tarjeta de crédito o si alguien obtiene acceso a sus credenciales, pueden usar su tarjeta fácilmente para cualquier compra, a menos que la bloquee a tiempo.

Los servidores de los bancos tampoco son a prueba de piratería. Cada año ocurren cientos de violaciones de datos que dan como resultado el robo de datos e identidad. A veces, los piratas informáticos aprovechan las lagunas en el sistema y, en otras ocasiones, utilizan a personas dentro de los bancos para estos ataques de datos.

Ahora, ¿dónde entra blockchain? Para empezar, blockchain es simplemente un protocolo o una forma de verificar y procesar transacciones. Pero difiere completamente de cómo procesamos y verificamos actualmente la información.

Fintech y Blockchain

Blockchain consta de nodos, cada nodo puede estar presente en cualquier parte del mundo. El nodo es básicamente una computadora o un sistema o una granja minera. Debes haber oído hablar de la minería de bitcoins, que la minería la realizan personas que tienen computadoras dedicadas a la minería de bitcoins. Cada computadora que se utiliza para la minería se convierte en un nodo.

Ahora que los nodos son todas computadoras públicas, esto hace que blockchain esté descentralizada para empezar. El sistema convencional está centralizado porque realiza el procesamiento y verificación a través del banco, que luego almacena y comparte la información con las autoridades pertinentes. Blockchain está descentralizado, los datos y la información en un blockchain no se encuentran en ninguna ubicación en particular. Los servidores de los bancos están por otro lado tiendas en ubicaciones específicas.

De acuerdo, así es como almacena información en una cadena de bloques, pero ¿cómo la verifica? Bajo el sistema convencional, los bancos verifican cada transacción y cobran cada vez que verifican una transacción. Esta es una de las fuentes de ingresos de los bancos. Bueno, en una cadena de bloques, toda la potencia informática disponible a través de los nodos, realiza la tarea de verificar cada transacción.

Siempre que se ingresa una transacción en una cadena de bloques, se envía a uno de los nodos. Esta información está encriptada para que el nodo no sepa qué está verificando. La cadena de bloques emite un código hash que debe ser resuelto por el nodo. La rapidez con la que un nodo resuelve ese hash depende de la potencia informática que tenga. Una vez que el nodo ha resuelto el hash, ha verificado efectivamente la transacción. Luego, la transacción verificada se agrega como un bloque a la información ya existente, formando así una cadena de bloques que llevan información.

Entonces, ahora sabemos que blockchain está descentralizado en primer lugar y, en segundo lugar, utiliza ese sistema descentralizado para procesar y verificar las transacciones. Blockchain también es inmutable, lo que significa que una vez que ingresa cualquier información o dato en el sistema, permanece allí para siempre. Por lo tanto, una transacción, una vez ingresada en el sistema, crea un rastro que no se puede borrar ni cambiar de ninguna manera. Esto hace que blockchain sea más transparente que el sistema financiero convencional, donde es muy fácil ocultar el rastro del dinero.

Además de estas características, dado que blockchain está descentralizado y no está controlado ni restringido por límites geográficos o zonas horarias, se puede acceder a los datos desde cualquier parte del mundo en cualquier momento. En comparación con esto, si observa los mercados de valores, solo puede operar dentro de una ventana de tiempo determinada y el comercio transfronterizo, aunque está permitido, tiene algunas barreras.

Entonces blockchain es:

  • Descentralizado
  • Seguro y transparente
  • Inmutable
  • No restringido por regiones o zonas horarias

Estas cuatro características básicas de la cadena de bloques abordan los principales inconvenientes del sistema financiero convencional y el sistema de verificación y procesamiento de transacciones de los bancos. Es importante recordar que blockchain es la base o el marco que le proporciona una plataforma para construir cualquier cosa sobre ella.

Bitcoin es la primera criptomoneda que se construyó sobre él, seguida de muchas otras, incluidas Ethereum . Puede crear aplicaciones de préstamos y ahorros, aplicaciones de inversión y cualquier otra aplicación en la cadena de bloques. Si llevamos este concepto un poco más allá, entramos en el ámbito de DeFi, que es la abreviatura de finanzas descentralizadas, que trataremos de cubrir en un artículo futuro.

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fintech y blockchain


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S64 and Invesco launch new European real estate fund for Private Wealth channel


LONDON, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- S64, the global alternative investments fintech and solutions partner to the wealth management industry, and Invesco Asset Management Limited (Invesco), the US$1.7 trillion global investment management firm, have announced a partnership to broaden access to Invesco Real Estate’s European III Fund to the wealth management industry in Europe and Asia.

The new European Real Estate III Feeder Fund (Europe III Feeder) invests in Invesco’s dedicated value-add and opportunistic strategy – Invesco Real Estate Europe III (Europe III). The Europe III Feeder follows Invesco’s focus on enabling High Net Worth investors to invest in institutional quality real estate targeting high returns through an innovative digital distribution platform built by S64.

The Europe III Fund seeks to capitalise on an attractive entry point to fundamental, long-term value creation. The fund held its first close with EUR 400m, and is targeting up to EUR 1 billion of investor commitments, as it builds on Invesco Real Estate’s European value-add track record and the success of two previous funds. Overall, the value-add strategies have completed 39 investments across six sectors in 10 countries, with 21 realised investments delivering a 35% gross IRR and 1.7x gross EM.1 Consistent with Invesco’s ESG principles, more than 80% of the invested capital from the last two capital raises has been allocated to investments achieving high ESG certifications.”

Simon Redman, Managing Director – Head of Wealth and DC at Invesco Real Estate commented: “We are delighted to be partnering with S64 to bring the Europe III Feeder to private wealth investors. In Europe, there is a disconnect between two cycles — the traditional real estate cycle linked to fundamentals, which remains on a sound footing, and the capital markets cycle which is driven by sharply higher interest rates and a lack of liquidity. We believe the resulting pricing correction has created a buying opportunity for investors able to see through the short-term noise.”

Tarun Nagpal, Founder and CEO of S64, commented: “We are proud to be partnering with a global investment leader such as Invesco to support the delivery of the Invesco Real Estate Europe III to the wealth management industry in Europe and Asia. This partnership signals the latest step in the evolution of private markets as S64’s market-leading product manufacturing capabilities and cutting-edge technology platform is fused with Invesco’s asset management capabilities to optimize access for private wealth clients looking to invest in alternatives.”

Notes to Editors

About Invesco Ltd.

Invesco Ltd. (Ticker NYSE: IVZ) is a global independent investment management firm dedicated to delivering an investment experience that helps people get more out of life. With offices in more than 20 countries, our distinctive investment teams deliver a comprehensive range of active, passive and alternative investment capabilities. Invesco managed USD 1.7 trillion in assets on behalf of clients worldwide as of 30 June 2024. For more information, visit

About Invesco Real Estate

Invesco Real Estate is a global leader in the real estate investment management business with EUR 82.5 billion in real estate assets under management, 613 employees and 21 regional offices across the U.S., Europe and Asia. Invesco Real Estate has a 40-year investment history and has been actively investing across the risk-return spectrum, from core to opportunistic, in equity and debt real estate strategies, and in direct and listed real estate for its c.500 institutional client relationships during this time. In Europe, Invesco Real Estate has eight offices in London, Munich, Milan, Madrid, Paris, Prague, Luxembourg and Warsaw, and 188 employees. It manages 208 assets across 14 European countries and with assets under management of EUR 15.4 billion. The team has a strong track record across all the commercial sectors, hotels and residential sectors. Source: Invesco Real Estate as at 31 December 2023.

About S64

S64 is a leading global alternatives and technology solutions business bridging the opportunity in private markets. It works with the world’s first-class asset managers and private banks across private equity, credit, real estate, infrastructure and impact to develop innovative solutions for private banks and wealth managers.

S64 is the trusted partner to the world's leading GPs, asset managers, and private banks in EMEA and APAC who rely on S64's cutting-edge technology and unrivalled product manufacturing capabilities to unlock access to private markets. As the pioneering manufacturer of retail access solutions such as ELTIFs, LTAFs and evergreen semi-liquid funds, feeders and securitised solutions, S64 sits at the forefront of innovation in private markets for private wealth. 

S64’s innovative technology platform offers the full lifecycle management of alternative assets — from structuring and distribution to financing, as well as secondary market capabilities meeting complex regulatory and cross border jurisdictional requirements across Europe and Asia.

Its team draws on an award-winning legacy in fund and product solutions, digital innovation and international distribution, having pioneered alternative investment platforms for more than a decade.

As the leading manufacturer of evergreen semi-liquid funds, ELTIFs and feeders, S64 is trusted to deliver products, solutions and market leading technology to the world’s leading GPs, asset managers, and private banks.

Press contact:
Invesco Real Estate
Hugh Fasken
Senior Director, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7025 6435

Press Contact:
Michael Mpofu
Director, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Tele: +44 (0)79 326 81947

Risk warnings
For complete information on risks, refer to the legal documents. The value of investments and any income will fluctuate (this may partly be the result of exchange rate fluctuations) and investors may not get back the full amount invested.

Real estate investments can be illiquid and difficult to sell, and the fund may not be able to sell its assets when desired and at the intended price.
The value of the investments is generally determined by an independent valuer’s opinion and may not be realizeable. The value of real estate loans may be significantly influenced by the value of the underlying real estate. Real estate investments are generally not listed on any market and need to be valued via the application of appropriate models (potentially applied by independent experts): this may lead to valuations which may not be reflected in transaction prices.
Changes in market rents, net operating incomes, interest rates, FX rates, market trends and general economic conditions may result in fluctuations of the value of the assets, of the relevant portfolio and of the level of cash-flows generated by the fund's portfolio; fixed-rate loans with long maturities are more exposed to value fluctuations in reaction to interest rates' movements.
The fund may use derivatives and borrowings, which may result in the fund being significantly leveraged and may result in large fluctuations in the value of the invested capital.
Real estate investments and portfolios are exposed to counterparty risk, which is the risk that a counterparty is unable to deal with its obligations.
Real estate loans are exposed to credit risk which is the risk of inability of the borrower to repay the interest and capital on the scheduled dates and at maturity. Loans or loans’ tranches with lower seniority (mezzanine, junior) bear a higher credit risk as those loans sit behind more senior ones in the repayment queue; the risk may be exacerbated in times of stress and in case of underperforming loans. Loans with high loan to value ratios (LTVs) or those secured on development assets are generally viewed as more risky than those with low LTVs or those secured on income-generating assets. Commercial mortgage lending is generally viewed as greater risk than residential mortgage lending since the repayment typically depends upon the successful operation of the underlying properties.
Real estate investments can be exposed to sustainability-related regulatory requirements and trends that may negatively affect the value of investments which are not compliant. This may lead to a requirement for significant capital expenditure in order to meet mandated standards or characteristics.
In addition, real estate investments can be also significantly exposed to negative economic effects stemming from climate change, natural disasters and the general investors' preference for assets with better sustainability features.
Real estate investments are labour-intensive and require a significant amount of human/manual input and activities, and may therefore be exposed to several types of operational risk that may affect activities such as administration, operations, reporting obligations and many others.
On top of typical real estate related risks, investments in real estate operating companies and in real estate platforms may embed governance and business risks that, if materialized, may negatively affect the value of the investments and the cash-flows generated.

Important information about Invesco Real Estate Europe III
This marketing communication is for trade press only. By accepting this document, you consent to communicate with us in English, unless you inform us otherwise.
Data as of 1st July 2024 unless otherwise stated.

This is marketing material and not financial advice. It is not intended as a recommendation to buy or sell any particular asset class, security or strategy. Regulatory requirements that require impartiality of investment/investment strategy recommendations are therefore not applicable nor are any prohibitions to trade before publication. Views and opinions are based on current market conditions and are subject to change.

For more information on our funds and the relevant risks, please refer to the Offering Memorandum, the Annual or Interim Reports, and constituent documents (all available in English). These documents are available from your local Invesco office. The management company may terminate marketing arrangements.

Any investment decision should take into account all the characteristics of the fund as described in the legal documents. For sustainability related aspects, please refer to

Marketing of the fund in the EEA is permitted to Professional Clients only. The fund is a dedicated Luxembourg closed-ended unregulated fund. It qualifies as an alternative investment fund (AIF) managed by Invesco Real Estate Management S.à r.l. as external alternative investment fund manager (AIFM).

This document is issued in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Sweden by: Invesco Real Estate Management S.a.r.l., President Building, 37A Avenue JF Kennedy, L - 1855 Luxembourg, regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Luxembourg.

EMEA 3802870/2024

1 27% net IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and 1.5x net EM (Equity Multiple). Source: Invesco Real Estate as of 31 March 2024. Past Performance does not predict future returns.

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