
¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional? | ¿Es esta una revolución real y definitiva?

¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?

La crisis financiera global de 2008 expuso las fallas del sistema bancario y financiero convencional y estas fallas resultaron en el surgimiento de fintech en el mundo posterior a la recesión. Antes de pasar a discutir cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional, veamos rápidamente algunas de las principales fallas del sistema bancario convencional y luego veremos cómo el auge de las fintech no solo ha desafiado a la banca convencional, sino que ha creado una transformación en el mercado.

Problemas con el sistema bancario convencional | ¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?

La banca convencional antes de la crisis financiera mundial de 2008 estaba y sigue estando empañada por los problemas que dieron lugar a la crisis en primer lugar. La legislación correctiva se hizo después de la crisis, pero aún algunos de los problemas son inherentes al sistema y, por lo tanto, incluso la legislación correctiva no ha podido abordar estos problemas.

Desde el punto de vista del consumidor final, los mayores inconvenientes de la banca convencional son:

  • Retrasos en el procesamiento de transacciones
  • Horas Laborales
  • Efecto de la inflación sobre el ahorro
  • Falta de oportunidades de inversión
  • Inaccesibilidad a los servicios financieros

Entonces, por ejemplo, si ingresa un cheque para la liquidación, generalmente demora entre 24 y 48 horas en liquidarse. No tiene absolutamente ningún sentido que en la era de la conectividad 4G y 5G, una simple verificación demore hasta 48 horas en completarse. Además de esto, cualquier error en el cheque puede resultar en la cancelación del cheque.

Del mismo modo, si bien los bancos suelen tener servicios al cliente las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana, su horario de trabajo se limita a las 9-5. Esto significa que en el momento en que finaliza la jornada laboral, las instituciones financieras dejan de procesar los pagos y transacciones. Tomemos los mercados de valores, por ejemplo. Los eventos que afectan el mercado de valores pueden ocurrir en cualquier momento del día, pero solo puede operar durante el horario laboral. Además de esto, existen barreras geográficas. Una persona en Asia, por ejemplo, no puede invertir fácilmente en Wall Street porque el monto del depósito de seguridad para los inversores extranjeros es mayor que para los inversores locales. Lo mismo se aplica a casi todos los mercados de valores.

Otro problema importante que afecta directamente a los consumidores finales es la falta de productos de inversión. Las tasas de interés se encuentran globalmente en un mínimo histórico en este momento. Los bancos de muchos países están ofreciendo tasas entre el 1% y el 2%, mientras que las tasas de inflación están entre el 1% y el 5% en muchos países. Lo que esto significa es que si mantiene sus ahorros en el banco y gana un interés del 2%, el efecto de una inflación del 4% hará que termine con una pérdida neta del 2%. En otras palabras, en lugar de aumentar sus ahorros, se erosionarán con el tiempo.

Esto es sólo la punta del iceberg. Hay muchos otros problemas con la banca convencional. Por ejemplo, el informe de investigación del Senado de los Estados Unidos sobre las razones de la crisis financiera señaló que bancos como JP Morgan y Lehman Brothers sabían sobre la crisis que se estaba desarrollando. Los comerciantes nombrados en el informe sabían que la crisis de las hipotecas de alto riesgo iba a afectar al mercado y, por lo tanto, ganaron miles de millones colocando en corto los productos derivados.

Esto hace que el sistema bancario convencional sea extremadamente defectuoso. Esto no es solo una conjetura, todos los defectos e inconvenientes mencionados anteriormente son hechos bien documentados. Fue debido a estos inconvenientes que el mundo de la crisis financiera posterior a 2008 vio el surgimiento de las fintech. Sin embargo, en este punto, será injusto perderse el papel de la revolución de los teléfonos inteligentes en el auge de la tecnología financiera porque el desarrollo de aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes se convirtió en un mecanismo de entrega muy importante para muchos productos y servicios de tecnología financiera.

Auge de la tecnología financiera | ¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?

« Fintech «se refiere a la tecnología financiera y, en términos simples, fintech se refiere al uso de tecnología para ofrecer productos y servicios financieros. Fintech en su forma muy rudimentaria comenzó en los años 90 con servicios financieros como PayPal que permitían a los usuarios realizar transacciones en línea.

Sin embargo, fue la crisis financiera de 2008 y el auge de las aplicaciones para teléfonos inteligentes lo que condujo a la revolución fintech. La introducción de blockchain y bitcoin fue el primer guijarro. En este punto, es importante comprender que blockchain es un impulsor importante de fintech, pero fintech no se limita solo a blockchain.

La última década, en particular, se centró en soluciones que no se basaban en blockchain, sin embargo, la pandemia provocó un aumento en la adopción de soluciones basadas en blockchain.

El mundo posterior a la crisis financiera era un mundo desilusionado y de esa desilusión surgieron las soluciones fintech que competían directamente con los productos y servicios bancarios convencionales. Mientras que un banco convencional ofrece ahorros y préstamos, las soluciones fintech optan por un enfoque más descentralizado. Hay aplicaciones que ofrecen soluciones de ahorro, aplicaciones como Bellotas que permiten a los usuarios no solo ahorrar sino también micro invertir sus ahorros.

Asimismo, existen aplicaciones que otorgan crédito a los consumidores, asumiendo así la función crediticia de los bancos. Afterpay, una aplicación con sede en Australia que permite a los usuarios comprar productos en línea, en cuatro cuotas sencillas sin que se cobren intereses.

Los participantes del sector fintech ofrecen servicios específicos, esto les permite brindar servicios de mayor calidad que los de los bancos convencionales. Los bancos en línea, por ejemplo, están creciendo en número, la pandemia, en particular, ha impulsado el crecimiento de los bancos totalmente en línea. Estos bancos digitales totalmente en línea ofrecen mejores tarifas a sus clientes porque no tienen los costos administrativos que tienen los bancos tradicionales.

Según un informe de PWC de 2016, casi el 70% de los bancos reportaron una pérdida de participación de mercado en las soluciones fintech. Estos bancos también reportaron una mayor presión sobre sus márgenes debido a la competencia que les dan las soluciones fintech.

Esto muestra que los bancos convencionales no solo están perdiendo participación de mercado, sino también su utilidad.

¿Por qué debería una persona invertir sus ahorros en un banco cuando puede descargar fácilmente una aplicación, que le permite imitar carteras de alto rendimiento y obtener un rendimiento superior a la tasa que pagan los bancos?

Mecanismo bancario básico | ¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?

Los bancos no solo se enfrentan a la disrupción de fintech en las áreas de productos y servicios financieros tradicionales. También se ven obligados a repensar sus mecanismos bancarios básicos. Los mecanismos bancarios centrales son simplemente el sistema de back-end que procesa y actualiza las transacciones en las distintas sucursales de un banco.

Las soluciones Fintech permiten a los consumidores acceder a sus datos las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana y un procesamiento rápido. En este momento, los mecanismos de banca central tienen al menos tres o cuatro décadas de antigüedad y, por lo tanto, no pueden mantenerse al día con los requisitos del consumidor moderno. Por lo tanto, los bancos se ven obligados a repensar sus mecanismos básicos y actualizarlos, para mantenerse al día con los tiempos cambiantes.

Blockchain – Inteligencia artificial – Aprendizaje automático | ¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?

Si la última década fue disruptiva, la próxima será aún más disruptiva porque ahora tenemos la combinación de blockchain, inteligencia artificial y aprendizaje automático que nos proporciona productos y servicios que están estableciendo una alternativa muy viable al sistema bancario convencional. Las finanzas descentralizadas (DeFi) es un concepto que no solo descentraliza las finanzas, acabando así con la necesidad de los bancos convencionales, sino que también permite la creación de nuevos productos y servicios financieros como complementos.

Fintech nos ha dado así una solución a todos los inconvenientes y al problema inherente del sistema bancario convencional. Estas soluciones han creado una disrupción en el mercado y, a medida que las soluciones basadas en blockchain avanzan hacia la adopción masiva, el sector bancario convencional experimentará una fase transformadora en la que la tecnología fintech basada en blockchain se convertirá en la norma.

¿Es la primera vez que escucha acerca de las Fintech y su impacto? ¿Ya estás usando alguno de ellos? Mira esto nuestras Fintechs revisan aquí .

¿Cómo las fintech están alterando la banca tradicional?


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MoneyHero Group Reports Second Quarter 2024 Results


Second quarter revenue of US$20.7 million, up 24% Year-Over-Year

SINGAPORE, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MoneyHero Limited (Nasdaq: MNY) (“MoneyHero” or the “Company”), a market leading personal finance and digital insurance aggregation and comparison platform in Greater Southeast Asia, today announced financial results for the quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Management Commentary:

Rohith Murthy, Chief Executive Officer, stated, ”I am pleased to report that MoneyHero Group delivered another strong quarter, with revenue increasing by 24% year-over-year to US$20.7 million. This performance underscores our position as the leading personal finance aggregator in the region. We have achieved significant market share gains, highlighted by a 68% year-over-year surge in revenues in Q2 2024 in Singapore, primarily driven by credit card and insurance product demand. With 970,000 banking and insurance applications facilitated in the first half of 2024, our leadership is evident, and we see substantial opportunities for continued growth in this fragmented industry.

Our strategic focus on operational efficiency is already delivering positive results, with Adjusted EBITDA losses expected to narrow next quarter. We still anticipate achieving Adjusted EBITDA profitability on a monthly basis within Q4 2024, supported by targeted actions to streamline operations, optimize marketing spend, and enhance overall efficiency. Our disciplined approach, which includes our recent headcount reduction and implementation of AI-driven processes, is creating significant operating leverage across the business.

We are transitioning our focus from purely driving traffic growth to prioritizing monetizable traffic that leads to conversions and applications. This strategic shift has already resulted in a 50% increase in approved applications, highlighting our capability to convert higher-value traffic into measurable outcomes while optimizing growth.

We are also rolling out innovative new capabilities, including a redesigned mobile app, a new car insurance vertical, and enhanced UX/UI across our platforms. These initiatives are expected to boost customer engagement and drive higher-margin revenue streams. With a robust membership base of 6.5 million, we are strategically positioned to cross-sell and upsell, unlocking greater value from our existing user base.

Our capital position remains robust, allowing us to pursue strategic investments and explore M&A opportunities to further consolidate our leadership. The recent exit from Malaysia as an operator, while retaining a strategic stake, reflects our commitment to focusing on high-growth regions and forging value-maximizing partnerships.

As we pivot toward driving Adjusted EBITDA improvements, our focus on efficiency and higher-margin products such as personal loans, insurance, and advertising revenue, will be critical drivers of profitability. While we have faced challenges in certain markets, we have taken corrective actions and anticipate a return to strong growth. We estimate that MoneyHero will achieve positive Adjusted EBITDA in the fourth quarter of 2024, positioning us to deliver sustainable, long-term value for our shareholders.”

Hao Qian, Chief Financial Officer, added: “In Q2 2024, MoneyHero’s strategic expansion generated solid growth in approved applications, which resulted in 24% year-over-year revenue growth, reaching over US$20.7 million.  We’ve made strong market share gains, particularly in our core markets, as we continue to expand across Greater Southeast Asia. However, our investments in strategically expanding customer acquisition, brand building, technology re-platforming, and data infrastructure contributed to a loss of US$(12.2) million and an Adjusted EBITDA loss of US$(9.3) million for the quarter. During the second quarter, we remained committed to executing our growth strategy, with a goal to accelerate key verticals and further extend our market share leadership. The primary drivers behind the increase in our operating and Adjusted EBITDA losses include:

  • Strategic Investments: We prioritized growth through increased investments in branding, customer acquisition, data and technology, aimed at capturing new customers and building infrastructure for future profitability
  • Provider Constraints: In Q2, several providers in Taiwan and the Philippines paused new card acquisitions due to significant platform migrations, which temporarily impacted our financial performance. We expect acquisition volumes to normalize in Q3 as these migrations near completion. Additionally, the exit of a key provider from several of our markets had a notable effect on both revenue and profitability. To offset this, we’ve invested in expanding other providers’ products and diversified into new verticals. We anticipate that the revenue and profitability impact from this provider’s exit will be largely mitigated by Q3 and Q4, with minimal effect anticipated moving forward.
  • Increased Operating Costs: Total operating costs rose year-over-year, largely due to additional expenses associated with being a public company, including audit fees, D&O insurance, and IR/PR-related fees.

Looking ahead, we expect a narrowing of our Adjusted EBITDA loss in the second half of 2024, with margins having started to recover in early Q3 and continuing to improve throughout the year. We have initiated a comprehensive review of our organizational structure, which began with our recent reorganization announcement, and we expect it to be completed by the end of Q3. This will create a more streamlined and cost-efficient operation. We expect to reach Adjusted EBITDA profitability on a monthly basis by year end, as we have been focusing on efficiency and optimizing the returns on our growth investments.”

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights

  • Revenue increased by 24% year-over-year to US$20.7 million in the second quarter of 2024
    • Online financial comparison platforms revenue increased by 26% year-over-year to US$17.8 million
    • Creatory, MoneyHero’s B2B business, revenue increased by 13% year-over-year, contributing 14% of Group revenue in the second quarter of 2024, as compared to 16% in the prior year period
  • Revenue by markets:
    • Singapore revenue increased by 68% year-over-year to US$9.0 million in the second quarter, with the strongest growth coming from the credit card and insurance verticals
    • Hong Kong revenue increased by 19% year-over-year to US$7.3 million in the second quarter, with the strongest growth coming from the other banking verticals
    • Philippines revenue decreased by 16% year-over-year to US$2.9 million in the second quarter, largely due to reduced volumes with a key client as it completes system and database migration post-acquisition
    • Taiwan revenue decreased by 4% year-over-year to US$1.4 million in the second quarter due to paused product offerings for certain key clients
  • Revenue from insurance products increased by 89% year-over-year to US$2.2 million in the second quarter of 2024, contributing 11% of Group revenue, as compared to 7% in the prior year period
  • Total operating costs and expenses increased to US$34.4 million in the second quarter of 2024 from US$25.5 million in the prior year period, driven primarily by increased investment in marketing and customer acquisition as part of the Company’s strategy to expand market share and increase brand awareness
  • Loss for the period decreased to US$(12.2) million in the second quarter of 2024 from US$(68.6) million in the prior year period
  • Adjusted EBITDA loss increased to US$(9.3) million in the second quarter of 2024 from US$(0.6) million in the prior year period
  • As of June 30, 2024, the Company had a debt-free balance sheet with US$56.5 million in cash and cash equivalents

Second Quarter 2024 Operational Highlights

  • Monthly Unique Users decreased by 17% year-over-year to 7.7 million in the second quarter of 2024
  • MoneyHero Group Members, to whom we can provide more tailored product information and recommendations, grew by 53% year-over-year to 6.5 million as of June 30, 2024 due to membership growth across all markets
  • Approved Application volumes increased by 50% year-over-year in the second quarter to 211,000, driven by strong growth in the Company’s credit card and insurance products

Business Outlook

  • For the third quarter of 2024, the Company expects its Adjusted EBITDA losses to narrow and be between US$5-6 million. This expectation reflects the Company's current and preliminary view on the market and operational conditions, which is subject to change.

Capital Structure

The table below summarizes the capital structure of the Company as of June 30, 2024:

Share ClassIssued and Outstanding
Class A Ordinary28,227,5791
Class B Ordinary13,254,838
Preference Shares2,407,575
Total Issued Shares43,889,992
Employee Equity Options1,020,6972
Issued Class A Ordinary Shares Underlying Employee Equity Options(521,630)3
Total Issued and Issuable Shares444,389,059


Summary of financial / KPI performanceFor the Three Months Ended June 30, For the Six Months Ended June 30,
 2024 2023  2024 2023 
 (US$ in thousands, unless otherwise noted)
Revenue20,674 16,650  42,849 34,553 
Adjusted EBITDA(9,336)(593) (15,775)(892)
Clicks (in thousands)2,274 1,993  4,568 3,877 
Applications (in thousands)476 409  970 784 
Approved Applications (in thousands)211 140  416 260 

Revenue breakdownFor the Three Months Ended
June 30,
 For the Six Months Ended
June 30,
 2024 2023  2024 2023 
 US$%US$% US$%US$%
 (US$ in thousands, except for percentages)
By Geographical Market:         
Singapore9,01843.65,38032.3 17,96341.910,93931.7
Hong Kong7,26635.16,09536.6 14,98235.011,73634.0
Taiwan1,4246.91,4818.9 2,8266.63,80511.0
Philippines2,93814.23,49621.0 6,91716.17,62722.1
Malaysia280.11971.2 1610.44451.3
Total Revenue20,674100.016,650100.0 42,849100.034,553100.0
By Source:         
Online financial comparison platforms17,76085.914,07784.5 35,81883.628,91183.7
Creatory2,91414.12,57415.5 7,03016.45,64216.3
Total Revenue20,674100.016,650100.0 42,849100.034,553100.0
By Vertical:         
Credit cards12,73461.611,94571.7 28,15965.725,02372.4
Personal loans and mortgages2,57712.52,15412.9 5,87413.74,49113.0
Insurance2,17810.51,1546.9 4,0059.32,4217.0
Other verticals3,18515.41,3968.4 4,81011.22,6187.6
Total Revenue20,674100.016,650100.0 42,849100.034,553100.0

1 Includes 521,630 shares issued to Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited (“Computershare”) which are held in trust pending exercise of share options and settlement by Computershare to the underlying exercising option holder.
2 Includes granted but unexercised options as well as exercised options, pursuant to which the shares have not yet been issued as of June 30, 2024.
3 Issued in advance to Computershare and held in trust pending exercise of share options and settlement by Computershare to the underlying exercising option holder.
4 Public Warrants, Sponsor Warrants, Class A-1 Warrants, Class A-2 Warrants and Class A-3 Warrants are excluded since they are out of money.  

 For the Three Months Ended June 30, For the Six Months Ended June 30,
 20242023 20242023
 (in millions, except for percentage)
Monthly Unique Users         
Singapore1.316.9%1.718.6% 1.417.1%1.819.3%
Hong Kong1.114.4%1.515.6% 1.113.9%1.516.6%
Taiwan2.228.5%2.729.2% 2.126.2%2.528.1%
The Philippines3.038.5%3.233.9% 3.340.8%3.032.7%
Malaysia0.11.7%0.32.7% 0.22.1%0.33.2%
Total7.7100.0%9.3100.0% 8.1100.0%9.1100.0%
Total Traffic          
Singapore3.813.0%4.312.4% 7.812.6%8.012.1%
Hong Kong4.916.8%6.117.8% 9.916.0%12.719.2%
Taiwan8.729.7%11.132.0% 16.827.1%20.731.3%
The Philippines11.438.9%12.135.1% 26.242.2%22.634.2%
Malaysia0.51.7%0.92.7% 1.22.0%2.13.2%
Total29.4100.0%34.6100.0% 62.1100.0%66.0100.0%
MoneyHero Group Members5         
Singapore1.320.2%1.024.0% 1.320.2%1.024.0%
Hong Kong0.812.2%0.512.1% 0.812.2%0.512.1%
Taiwan0.34.7%0.25.4% 0.34.7%0.25.4%
The Philippines3.858.3%2.353.5% 3.858.3%2.353.5%
Malaysia0.34.5%0.25.0% 0.34.5%0.25.0%
Total6.5100.0%4.3100.0% 6.5100.0%4.3100.0%

5 MoneyHero Group Members as of June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023.

Conference Call Details

The Company will host a conference call and webcast on Thursday, September 19 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time / 8:00 p.m. Singapore Standard Time to discuss the Company's financial results. The MoneyHero Limited (NASDAQ: MNY) Q2 2024 Earnings call can be accessed by registering at:

Conference call:

The webcast replay will be available on the Investor Relations website for 12 months following the event.

About MoneyHero Group

MoneyHero Limited (NASDAQ: MNY) is a market leader in the online personal finance and digital insurance aggregation and comparison sector in Greater Southeast Asia. The Company operates in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the Philippines.  Its brand portfolio includes B2C platforms MoneyHero, SingSaver, Money101, Moneymax and Seedly, as well as the B2B platform Creatory.  The Company also retains an equity stake in Malaysian fintech company, Jirnexu Pte. Ltd., parent company of Jirnexu Sdn. Bhd., the operator of RinggitPlus, Malaysia’s largest operating B2C platform. MoneyHero currently manages 279 commercial partner relationships and services 8.1 million Monthly Unique Users across its platform for the six months ended June 30, 2024. The Company’s backers include Peter Thiel—co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and the Founders Fund—and Hong Kong businessman, Richard Li, the founder and chairman of Pacific Century Group. To learn more about MoneyHero and how the innovative fintech company is driving APAC’s digital economy, please visit

Key Performance Metrics and Non-IFRS Financial Measures

“Monthly Unique User” means as a unique user with at least one session in a given month as determined by a unique device identifier from Google Analytics. A session initiates when a user either opens an app in the foreground or views a page or screen and no session is currently active (e.g., the user’s previous session has ended). A session ends after 30 minutes of user inactivity. We measure Monthly Unique Users during a time period longer than one month by averaging the Monthly Unique Users of each month within that period. 

“Traffic” means the total number of unique sessions in Google Analytics. A unique session is a group of user interactions recorded when a user visits the website or app within a 30-minute window. The current session ends when there is 30 minutes of inactivity or users have a change in traffic source.

“MoneyHero Group Members” means (i) users who have login IDs with us in Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan, (ii) users who subscribe to our email distributions in Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Philippines and Malaysia, and (iii) users who are registered in our rewards database in Singapore and Hong Kong. Any duplications across the three sources above are deduplicated.

“Clicks” means the sum of unique clicks by product vertical on a tagged “Apply Now” button on our website, including product result pages and blogs. We track Clicks to understand how our users engage with our platforms prior to application submission or purchase, which enables us to further optimize conversion rates.

“Applications” means the total number of product applications submitted by users and confirmed by our commercial partners.

“Approved Applications” means the number of applications that have been approved and confirmed by our commercial partners.

In addition to MoneyHero Group’s results determined in accordance with IFRS, MoneyHero Group believes that the key performance metrics above and the non-IFRS measures below are useful in evaluating its operating performance. MoneyHero Group uses these measures, collectively, to evaluate ongoing operations and for internal planning and forecasting purposes. MoneyHero Group believes that non-IFRS information, when taken collectively, may be helpful to investors because it provides consistency and comparability with past financial performance and may assist in comparisons with other companies to the extent that such other companies use similar non-IFRS measures to supplement their IFRS results. These non-IFRS measures are presented for supplemental informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for financial information presented in accordance with IFRS and may be different from similarly titled non-IFRS measures used by other companies. Accordingly, non-IFRS measures have limitations as analytical tools, and should not be considered in isolation or as substitutes for analysis of other IFRS financial measures, such as loss for the year/period and loss before income tax.

Adjusted EBITDA is a non-IFRS financial measure defined as loss for the year/period plus depreciation and amortization, interest income, finance costs, income tax expenses/(credit), equity-settled share option expense, transaction expenses, impairment of non-financial assets, other long-term employee benefits credit, other non-recurring costs related to strategic transaction, changes in fair value of financial instruments, non-recurring legal fees, and unrealized foreign exchange differences. Adjusted EBITDA Margin is defined as Adjusted EBITDA as a percentage of revenue.

A reconciliation is provided for each non-IFRS measure to the most directly comparable financial measure stated in accordance with IFRS. Investors are encouraged to review the related IFRS financial measures and the reconciliations of these non-IFRS measures to their most directly comparable IFRS financial measures. IFRS differs from U.S. GAAP in certain material respects and thus may not be comparable to financial information presented by U.S. companies. We currently, and will continue to, report financial results under IFRS, which differs in certain significant respects from U.S. GAAP.

 For the Three Months
June 30,
 For the Six Months
June 30,
 2024 2023  2024 2023 
 (US$ in thousands)
Loss for the period(12,223)(68,571) (25,323)(71,101)
Tax expenses5 24  57 34 
Depreciation and amortization1,066 1,255  2,047 2,400 
Interest income(356)(98) (951)(126)
Finance costs5 1,803  13 3,569 
EBITDA(11,501)(65,587) (24,156)(65,224)
Non-cash items:     
Changes in fair value of financial instruments(1,109)58,038  237 57,937 
Impairment of non-financial assets92 -  92 - 
Equity settled share-based payment arising from employee share option scheme1,015 268  1,638 795 
Unrealized foreign exchange differences, net1,766 3,216  5,802 2,070 
Listing and other non-recurring strategic exercises related items:     
Transaction expenses20 3,556  55 3,613 
Other non-recurring costs related to strategic transaction61 -  61 1 
Other non-recurring items:     
Other long-term employee benefits credit- (84) - (84)
Non-recurring legal fees323 -  497 - 
Adjusted EBITDA(9,336)(593) (15,775)(892)
Revenue20,674 16,650  42,849 34,553 
Adjusted EBITDA(9,336)(593) (15,775)(892)
Adjusted EBITDA Margin(45.2)%(3.6)% (36.8)%(2.6)%

Forward Looking Statements

This document includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the United States federal securities laws and also contains certain financial forecasts and projections. All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this communication, including, but not limited to, statements as to the Group’s growth strategies, future results of operations and financial position, market size, industry trends and growth opportunities, are forward-looking statements. Some of these forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking words, including “outlook,” “believes,” “expects,” “potential,” “continues,” “may,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “seeks,” “predicts,” “intends,” “trends,” “plans,” “estimates,” “anticipates” or the negative version of these words or other comparable words. All forward-looking statements are based upon estimates and forecasts and reflect the views, assumptions, expectations, and opinions of the Company, which are all subject to change due to various factors including, without limitation, changes in general economic conditions. Any such estimates, assumptions, expectations, forecasts, views or opinions, whether or not identified in this communication, should be regarded as indicative, preliminary and for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as being necessarily indicative of future results. The forward-looking statements and financial forecasts and projections contained in this communication are subject to a number of factors, risks and uncertainties. Potential risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, changes in business, market, financial, political and legal conditions; the Company’s ability to attract new and retain existing customers in a cost effective manner; competitive pressures in and any disruption to the industries in which the Company and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) operates; the Group’s ability to achieve profitability despite a history of losses; and the Group’s ability to implement its growth strategies and manage its growth; the Group’s ability to meet consumer expectations; the success of the Group’s new product or service offerings; the Group’s ability to attract traffic to its websites; the Group’s internal controls; fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates; the Group’s ability to raise capital; media coverage of the Group; the Group’s ability to obtain adequate insurance coverage; changes in the regulatory environments (such as anti-trust laws, foreign ownership restrictions and tax regimes) and general economic conditions in the countries in which the Group operates; the Group’s ability to attract and retain management and skilled employees; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic or any other pandemic on the business of the Group; the success of the Group’s strategic investments and acquisitions, changes in the Group’s relationship with its current customers, suppliers and service providers; disruptions to the Group’s information technology systems and networks; the Group’s ability to grow and protect its brand and the Group’s reputation; the Group’s ability to protect its intellectual property; changes in regulation and other contingencies; the Group’s ability to achieve tax efficiencies of its corporate structure and intercompany arrangements; potential and future litigation that the Group may be involved in; and unanticipated losses, write-downs or write-offs, restructuring and impairment or other charges, taxes or other liabilities that may be incurred or required and technological advancements in the Group’s industry. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s annual report for the year ended December 31, 2023 on Form 20-F (File No.: 001-41838), registration statement on Form F-1 (File No.: 333-275205), and other documents to be filed by the Company from time to time with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. In addition, there may be additional risks that the Company currently does not know, or that the Company currently believes are immaterial, that could also cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect the Company’s expectations, plans, projections or forecasts of future events and view. If any of the risks materialize or the Company’s assumptions prove incorrect, actual results could differ materially from the results implied by these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. The Company anticipates that subsequent events and developments may cause their assessments to change. However, while the Company may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, except as required by law. The inclusion of any statement in this document does not constitute an admission by the Company or any other person that the events or circumstances described in such statement are material. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this document. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements. In addition, the analyses of the Company contained herein are not, and do not purport to be, appraisals of the securities, assets, or business of the Company.

For investor and media inquiries, please contact:

Investor Relations:


Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive (Loss)/Income

 For the Three Months
June 30,
 For the Six Months
June 30,
 2024 2023  2024 2023 
 (US$ in thousands except for loss per share)
Revenue20,674 16,650  42,849 34,553 
Cost and expenses:     
Cost of revenue(13,795)(7,178) (27,901)(15,655)
Advertising and marketing expenses(6,581)(3,925) (12,714)(7,488)
Technology costs(2,194)(1,722) (4,046)(3,256)
Employee benefit expenses(6,712)(4,474) (12,590)(9,559)
General, administrative and other operating expenses(3,222)(4,867) (5,609)(6,116)
Foreign exchange differences, net(1,848)(3,291) (5,959)(2,170)
Operating loss(13,679)(8,808) (25,970)(9,691)
Other income/(expenses):     
Other income357 102  954 130 
Finance costs(5)(1,803) (13)(3,569)
Changes in fair value of financial instruments1,109 (58,038) (237)(57,937)
Loss before tax (12,217)(68,548) (25,265)(71,067)
Income tax expense(5)(24) (57)(34)
Loss for the period(12,223)(68,571) (25,323)(71,101)
Other comprehensive income     
Other comprehensive income that may be classified to profit or loss in subsequent periods (net of tax):     
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations1,279 2,677  4,992 1,673 
Other comprehensive loss that will not be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods (net of tax):     
Remeasurement of defined benefit plan(6)(35) (5)(35)
Other comprehensive income, net of tax1,273 2,643  4,987 1,638 
Total comprehensive loss, net of tax(10,950)(65,928) (20,336)(69,463)
Loss per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent  
Basic and diluted(0.3)(47.3) (0.6)(49.1)


Unaudited Consolidated Statements of Financial Position

 As of
June 30,
As of
December 31,
(US$ in thousands)20242023
Other intangible assets6,1777,294
Property and equipment337190
Right-of-use assets338590
Total non-current assets6,8778,100
Accounts receivable16,96817,236
Contract assets12,52116,025
Prepayments, deposits and other receivables5,1994,855
Pledged bank deposits182189
Cash and cash equivalents56,49768,641
Total current assets91,367106,947
Accounts payable25,26723,840
Other payables and accruals9,8569,382
Warrant liabilities2,0761,840
Lease liabilities347575
Total current liabilities37,61735,708
Lease liabilities531
Deferred tax liabilities2629
Total non-current liabilities241255
Net assets60,38679,084
Issued capital44
Total equity60,38679,084

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