
Banks and Virtual Assistants | Are The Banks Following The Fintechs or Staying Behind?

Banks and Virtual Assistants

Banks have been around for centuries, and in that time they’ve seen a lot of change. But in today’s digital age, the stakes are higher than ever before.

Banks need to adapt or they’ll find themselves outpaced by fintech companies who can offer innovative products and services quickly and efficiently. fortunately, banks are embracing digital change with the help of fintech companies.

Here’s how they’re doing it.

AI and Virtual Assistants

According to IoT analytics, by 2025 the world will see around 27 billion connected devices. As such, more and more consumers are looking for convenience – which means it’s vital for banks to be able to provide this type of service if they want to stay ahead of the competition. Nowhere is this need more apparent than with automated assistants, or virtual assistants.

However before we proceed to look at how banks are using virtual assistants, let us first look at the very clear concerns that exist with the mass adoption of A.I.

One of the biggest drawbacks of using AI for banks is that it can lead to biased decision-making. For example, if a bank uses AI to decide whether or not to approve a loan, the algorithm may be biased against certain demographics, such as women or minorities.

Another drawback of using AI for banks is that it can be expensive. Banks need to invest in the technology and staff who can maintain and operate it. Additionally, banks need to ensure that their data is secure and protected from hackers.

There’s always the risk that AI will make mistakes. If an AI system makes a bad decision, it could cost the bank money or even cause it to lose customers.

Finally, the biggest drawback or at least a talking point, for now, is the impact of AI on the human workforce. If banks and other businesses adopt AI-based workflows, this will lead to a significant reduction in the human workforce, leading to unemployment. While this has always been a clear concern related to automation, it has not been able to impede the speed at which AI is “taking over”.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is an artificial intelligence-based software program that performs tasks or services for a user. Virtual assistants can be used for a variety of purposes, such as scheduling appointments, managing to-do lists, and providing customer service.

Virtual Assistants are cost-effective?

The number of mergers and acquisitions of banks and fintechs has gone up in the last few years. Banks have now come to a full realization that they can no longer overlook the fintech revolution because it is directly impacting their business.

As a result, many banks are acquiring fintech firms and incorporating their products and services to manage both back and front end activities. Some banks are taking matters into their own hand by diversifying into the fintech sector by developing in-house solutions.

Whatever the case, fintech is taking over the banking industry. One of the first use cases that we saw of fintech in banking is the widespread use of virtual assistants.

Banks are saving money with virtual assistants by automating processes that would otherwise require human employees. For example, a virtual assistant can be used to answer customer inquiries, which can reduce the need for bank employees to handle customer service calls. Virtual assistants can also be used to monitor account balances and transactions, which can help banks prevent fraud.

How are banks using virtual assistants?

Banks can use virtual assistants in a number of ways, but most often they provide them to customers as:

  • A personal assistant for banking and financial needs (such as paying bills and checking account balances)
  • An advisor that provides personalized insights into the user’s finances (for instance, suggestions as to where a user can save money)
  • A concierge for completing tasks the bank doesn’t normally handle (for instance, booking travel or managing car loans)

With these services readily available to their customers, banks are able to stay competitive without sacrificing convenience.

Uses Cases of Virtual Assistants

Fintech companies like Kasisto, for example, take advantage of advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to create virtual assistants that can communicate directly with customers. One such assistant is KAI, an intelligent assistant that uses natural language processing and machine learning to answer questions about banking and personal finance issues. The data collected by KAI is then anonymized and provided to banks so that they can improve their products.

Analysts predict that virtual assistants will become even more popular in the future. We are already seeing them everywhere, including on the web, at home, in cars, and on phones in the form of Siri and Alexa.

Another example is Ally Bank. The bank has developed Ally Assist, which is a text and voice-based AI assistant for their mobile banking application. Ally Assist can be used to answer customer inquiries such as information requests, payments, deposits and transfers. Ally Assist uses machine learning to learn from its users and then it builds upon its data to anticipate user needs.

Bank of America has a number of AI applications that it uses for a variety of purposes. These include fraud detection, providing customer service, and increasing efficiency. The bank also uses IBM’s Watson to provide customer service agents with an intuition engine, which helps them better understand and react to customers’ needs.

Erica is an artificial intelligence-powered customer service representative for Bank of America. It can answer customer questions and help them with their banking needs.

With all of this said, one thing is clear: banks are quickly adapting in order to keep up with competition from fintech companies. Virtual assistants are one way and as things progress, we may see banks changing their form altogether in the future.

Banks and Virtual Assistants


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Registration Now Open for the Keiretsu Forum 2024 Investor Capital Expo in Philadelphia


PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Keiretsu Forum, the world’s largest angel investor network, is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 2024 Investor Capital Expo, scheduled to take place on October 31, 2024, at Convene City View in Philadelphia. This premier event is open to all accredited angel investors, family offices and venture industry experts who wish to engage directly with promising early-stage companies.

The Investor Capital Expo is designed for investors who are interested in supporting innovation and advancing early-stage companies across various sectors. The event will feature presentations from twelve companies that have undergone Keiretsu Forum’s rigorous Due Diligence process. Each company has a comprehensive investment package and is actively seeking funding.

Event Highlights:

  • Educational Programming: The Expo will include sessions focused on emerging trends and issues that could impact investors in 2025, providing valuable insights to help investors stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

  • Networking Opportunities: Attendees will have ample time to meet and engage with fellow investors and the presenting companies' founders and leadership teams. This is an excellent chance to build connections and explore potential investment opportunities in a collaborative environment.

  • Open to All Accredited Investors: While Keiretsu Forum members will be in attendance, this event is open to all accredited angel investors. The Expo offers a platform for investors to align themselves with some of the best opportunities in the early-stage investment space.

  • Virtual Access: While attendance in person maximizes the experience, travel may not be feasible. To ensure no one misses out, the event will be streaming via Zoom, allowing participants to join discussions and discover new opportunities from anywhere.

“We’re bringing together a remarkable lineup of companies from diverse sectors and geographies at this year’s Expo,” said Howard Lubert, Regional President at Keiretsu Forum. “This event offers investors unparalleled access to high-quality deal flow and the opportunity to build relationships with the founders shaping the future of these industries.”

Event Details:

Date: October 31, 2024 8:00 AM EDT – 6:00 PM EDT

Location: Convene City View, 30 S 17th St, Philadelphia, PA

Registration: Accredited angel investors can register and find more information by CLICKING HERE

Don’t miss this opportunity to participate in the 2024 Investor Capital Expo. Register today to secure your spot and join us in Philadelphia for a day of learning, networking, and discovery.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Cindi Sutera

About Keiretsu Forum:

Keiretsu Forum is the world’s largest private equity angel investment network with 2000+ accredited investors in 34 North American and 23 International chapters, who have invested more than $1B in early-stage companies in the last 23 years.

The Keiretsu Forum portfolio features Entrepreneurs and Companies from Technology-(Internet, Software, Cyber Security, SaaS, Mobile Systems, IoT, etc.), Life Sciences-(Pharma, Medical Devices, Health IT, etc.), FinServ/FinTech, Consumer Products, Clean-Green Energy, Consumer Products, & more!

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