Monat: September 2024

Logistics and Delivery Solutions for E-commerce Success

Logistik- und Lieferlösungen für den Erfolg im E-Commerce

Einführung In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt, in der Online-Shopping zur Norm geworden ist, werden aktuellen Schätzungen zufolge die weltweiten E-Commerce-Umsätze bis 2028 58,74 Billionen US-Dollar erreichen. Effiziente Logistik- und Lieferdienste sind entscheidend für den Erfolg von E-Commerce-Unternehmen. Dieser Artikel untersucht die integrale Rolle, die Logistik und Lieferung in der E-Commerce-Landschaft[Read More…]

Das Problem mit Paytech

Das Problem mit Paytech

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Investitionen in Fintech-Unternehmen

Was berücksichtigen intelligente Investoren, wenn sie in Fintech-Unternehmen investieren? | 5 versteckte wichtige Game-Changer-Aspekte

Was berücksichtigen intelligente Investoren, wenn sie in Fintech-Unternehmen investieren? Es ist kein Geheimnis, dass Fintech derzeit eine heiße Branche ist. Unternehmen in diesem Bereich ziehen in rasantem Tempo Investitionen an, und es kann für Investoren verlockend sein, auf den fahrenden Zug aufzuspringen. Bevor Sie sich jedoch kopfüber ins Geschäft stürzen,[Read More…]

Warum ist Fintech die Zukunft?

Warum ist Fintech die Zukunft?

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Ranking der 15 größten Fintech-Unternehmen | Einige von ihnen sind älter als Sie denken

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Top 10 Fintech-Blogs, die Sie Ihrer Leseliste hinzufügen sollten

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PersonalAIze and Cube Forge Groundbreaking Partnership to Accelerate AI-Driven Healthcare Platform and Point of Care Diagnostics


Strategic partnership aims to further develop Cube’s award-winning AI guided platform for Software as a Service (SaaS) for the private sector and large healthcare systems and diagnostic to support clinicians and patients in making informed therapeutic decisions from early detection to personalized treatment and disease monitoring, for improved health outcomes

AMSTERDAM, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- (NASDAQ: RENB) PersonalAIze and RenovaroCube are proud to announce a strategic partnership to develop, validate, and commercialize Cube’s AI-driven, multi-omic platform for early detection of cancer and other diseases. This strategic partnership aims to provide services to many AI companies and healthcare systems while also creating the next generation of medical diagnostics through cutting-edge AI by driving greater accuracy, transparency, and trust in healthcare solutions.

Prof. Mark Hoogendoorn, Co-CEO and Co-Founder PersonalAIze: "The strategic partnership between PersonalAIze and Cube has the potential to provide a transformative leap in healthcare diagnostics, uniting cutting-edge AI with trusted, high-performance capabilities and industry related in-depth expertise.”

Frank van Asch, Founder and CTO of RenovaroCube,” Together, we are pioneering a future where healthcare outcomes are improved by training models for multiple decisions through the entire health journey, ensuring the right accuracy for therapeutic decisions in every disease stage.”

The first phase of the collaboration focuses on establishing a strong foundation for the partnership, with PersonalAIze providing critical expertise in the integration of AI into healthcare. It will enhance existing collaborations with Academic and corporate partners and create new ones to build an eco-system to help develop and bring to the market a cutting-edge SaaS model and the next generation highly accurate diagnostics, starting with cancer.

Prof Sandjai Buhlai, Co-CEO and Co-Founder PersonalAIze: “This collaboration signals a bold step forward in utilizing the full potential of AI potentially to help revolutionize early-stage medical interventions and diagnosis at the earliest stage of cancer before imaging has been able to detect the tumors.”

Key contributions from PersonalAIze include:

  • Ethical AI: Ensuring the AI models are free from harmful biases and trained to support fairness and inclusivity in medical diagnostics.
  • Legal Guidance: Providing expert advice on legal responsibilities tied to AI outputs, including issues of AI accountability and potential liability.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Assisting in navigating existing and emerging regulations such as NEN, ISO, GDPR, and the AI Act, ensuring the platform adheres to all relevant healthcare regulations and clinical guidelines.
  • Medical and Diagnostic Input: Offering support in clinical validation in collaboration with medical scientists to ensure the AI is reliable and effective in real-world medical environments.
  • Explainable AI: Developing AI models that are transparent, fostering trust and confidence from both healthcare providers and patients.

Key Resources and Support from PersonalAIze
As part of the collaboration, PersonalAIze will contribute:

  • Expert Personnel: Including a Principal Investigator (PI) to lead clinical AI efforts, a project manager to coordinate the collaboration and a strategic advisor to oversee the scientific strategy and execution.
  • Research and Talent Capacity: Leveraging academic partnerships to ensure access to cutting-edge research and innovation and facilitating talent scouting to support the project’s development.
  • Academic Spin-Out Opportunities: Supporting the commercialization of academic research through potential spin-out ventures related to AI diagnostics.
  • Co-Development of AI Platform: Jointly developing a science-driven, evidence-based AI platform that meets rigorous clinical and regulatory standards.
  • Ongoing Research and Publications: Contributing to the body of research through support with peer-reviewed publications in collaboration with clinical experts that will help build trust within the medical community and among regulatory bodies.
  • Architecture and Strategy Guidance: Continuously advising on the platform’s architecture and strategic direction, ensuring it stays aligned with the latest industry trends and scientific advancements.
  • Trusted AI: Developing a trustworthy, explainable AI platform that inspires confidence among healthcare providers and patients through clear and transparent decision-making processes.

About PersonalAIze
PersonalAIze focuses on building solutions that improve healthcare by leveraging state-of-the-art AI techniques. It has been founded by four experienced professors bringing together decades of research experience in AI and healthcare with the aim to bring the latest scientific AI developments into healthcare practice faster. PersonalAIze does this through both consultancy and product development and targets clinical decision-making systems as well as improvement of health care operations such as capacity planning.

About Renovaro
Renovaro aims to accelerate precision and personalized medicine for longevity powered by mutually reinforcing AI and biotechnology platforms for early diagnosis, better-targeted treatments, and drug discovery. Renovaro Inc. includes RenovaroBio with its advanced cell-gene immunotherapy company and RenovaroCube.

RenovaroCube has developed an award-winning AI platform that is committed to the early detection of cancer and its recurrence and monitoring subsequent treatments. RenovaroCube intervenes at a stage where potential therapy can be most effective. RenovaroCube is a molecular data science company with a background in FinTech and a 12-year history. It brings together proprietary artificial intelligence (AI) technology, multi-omics, multi-modal data, and the expertise of a carefully selected multidisciplinary team to radically accelerate precision medicine and enable breakthrough changes in disease agnostic decision support.

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release that are not strictly historical in nature are forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions based on current information and expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including but not limited to the success or efficacy of our pipeline, platform and fundraising. All statements other than historical facts are forward-looking statements, which can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “believes,” “plans,” “expects,” “aims,” “intends,” “potential,” or similar expressions. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in any of such statements due to various uncertainties, including as set forth in Renovaro’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the SEC. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and Renovaro Inc. undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

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Source: Renovaro Inc.

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